
Wednesday, September 03, 2008 in ,

一早進公司打開 Windows Live Messenger 就跳出一個 MSN聯絡人請求加入,我睡眼惺忪中按了OK, 本來以為是暗戀我的朋友, 一問之下發現是老外, 我真的沒注意到她打字的速度太快這一點,畢竟色慾燻心不懂英打,否則早就發現是MSN robot機器人了,害我烙英文聊了幾句之後,假藉公司擋色情網頁溜之大吉(Orz 我幹麻對機器人不好意思).

戰地記者: 請問你是?
戰地記者: 早安
Anne    : hey, A/S/L?:)
戰地記者: What?
Anne    : hey whats up babe, U got a webcam? finally someone adds me, I am soo fuckin horny today for some reason lol
戰地記者: i have no webcam
戰地記者: where r u from?
Anne    : listen hun, I\'m just about to start my webcam show with jen, come chat me there in my chat room? We can cyber, I\'ll get naked if u!
戰地記者: i am from taiwan
Anne    : I can show u how to watch if u promise not to tell anyone else how to do it???PLEASE:-$
戰地記者: ok, i'll try
Anne    : well since its the law that u gotta be 18 (nudity involved), u have to sign up with a credit card for age verification! BUT.. Once you are inside, just clikc on "Webcams" let me know what name you use to sign in with so I know it is you babe! fill out the bottom of the page then fill out the next page as well and u can see me live!
戰地記者: HTTP 403 forbidden
Anne    : Please dont mention anything about that in the chatroom once u get in ok?:-$
戰地記者: our company's firewall block this
Anne    : OH SHIT.. k I\'m late to start my show, I gotta get off msn...I\'ll see ya inside my chatroom babe.. remember not to mention that I am upgrading u... You can use your msn name to sign in so i know it\'s you.. 
戰地記者: so i'll try when i am home
Anne    : AUTO-RESPONSE: hey just in the middle of my webcam show if you want to watch click the link
戰地記者: ok
戰地記者: thank you


3 Reply

Anonymous   says 3/9/08 17:03



昨天住美國的表妹 MSN 丟的 Message 如下,看來也是換湯不換藥的遊戲,不過也好拉,這叫做 MSN Relation Manager哈

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妳忍心讓台灣受困嗎 UN For Taiwan 台灣入聯
我的相片 戰地記者是自封的2004年的319敗選之夜掀起臺灣社會的動盪不安讓我有置身戰場的感受所以用此暱稱來寫文章!要訂閱的人請慎重我很歡迎不同意見腦力激盪.




