馴馬日誌: 不獨不統,不做不錯,一廂情願,終極統一
Tuesday, May 27, 2008 in 憂國憂民
戰地記者於 5/18 號上網申請 SUN 公司的光碟版 Solaris (類似Linux) 的郵寄, 沒想到該公司給的確認 E-mail 中, Taiwan ,Province of China 成了中國的一部份, 自從馬英九當選一相情願的搞不獨不統不做不錯之後, 越來越多的的國外大型網站都當做台灣已不是一個國家了, 慢慢積非成是..XD
Updated 28-MAY-2008 剛剛收到美國寄來的國際包裹,一看就是 SUN 的光碟片
Dear Anchi xxxx,
This email confirms that the order you placed with Sun Microsystems
for a free Open Solaris Live CD on 5/18/2008
shipped via United States First Class mail on 5/21/2008 to the following address:
Anchi Huang
xxx, xxx Rd., Sun Chung City
Taipei Hsien 241
Taiwan, Province of China
Please allow 2-5 weeks for delivery.
We would like to hear from you when you receive this shipment.
Please reply to this email and fill in the fields below:
Date on which you received this order (month/day/year): __/__/____
Were you satisfied with the order you received (yes or no): ___
Comments : _____________________________________
Thank you for your interest in Sun Microsystems Products. If you have questions please send an email to mailto:mediakit@sunwarestore.com
and reference order number 460162
Your Customer Service Team.
- 總統大選完,藍色星期一: Words of BLUE Monday
統媒鎖國, 欺瞞毀台; 綠卡總統, 黑金集團.
不獨不統, 不做不錯; 黨國思想, 官僚復辟.